Why aren't you already?
You're here because you want something. You want to create something cool: a signature program, flagship retreat or some other magical product or experience for clients who will pay you for it.
The thing is, you haven't done it yet.
Nearly...sure...but not yet.
Even if you don't know me, you know my work...
A self-help tape set changed my life. Ever since, I've been obsessed with guiding brilliant people to create magical products and experiences.
Online Courses
Sharing your expertise with a hungry audience around the world has never been easier...or faster. I was the first in our field to show you how to make and market your own online courses.
I used to work with self-help legends as an infomercial producer. I helped them sell more "on-screen, and was the first to help people like you sell your message and your products using online video.
We've all known the power of storytelling in business for a long time. I was the first in our space to start unpacking the structure of stories that sell - and teach you how to tell them to get clients.
Group Programs
Using the internet to deliver live, online, group coaching programs was an innovation I led in 2007. Today you can create online experiences that help and heal your clients anywhere in the world.
Client "Wall of Fame"
I could try and tell you why you should work with me all day long...but I'm biased! Instead, you can read a wide range of honest stories from amazing people below.
After 15+ years of training and working as a therapist and coach, clients were getting fabulous results but I was stuck in a loop of doubt and resentment. EVOKE corrected the course of my life. While I was learning the process, James helped me see a blind spot I couldn’t locate on my own… and it changed everything about how I approach my business (and live my life). It was confronting, but absolutely worth every uncomfortable moment. Now I’m applying the framework in my own programs. These are priceless tools for working with people who are willing to be real, grow up and get shit done.
Thank you James - for all of it.
Your EVOKE program is one of the best investments I have ever made in my business, and perhaps even myself. In all the trainings and courses I have done throughout my professional career, I have yet to experience anything of this transformative power. Not only has it provided me with a powerful foundation on which to build my group offerings, it also facilitated a profound personal breakthrough that is already paying dividends in my business.
Your program is nothing short of transformative for business people who have struggled to achieve the level of success they want, and I am truly excited to put it to work.
Thank you for sharing the particular blend of wisdom, experience and HEART that makes you a true gem in the coaching industry.
James always seems to know exactly where to focus, and what you need. The weak spots you might have hoped to hide, are like shining beacons to his gaze. There is nowhere to hide. He gets to the point quickly. The real point, and dismantles any resistance or fluff. His vast experience and intuitive knowing, coupled with his warmth, kindness and genuine enthusiasm for you and your business get results fast.
I end up believing in what felt previously impossible. The proof is meeting my financial goals, and getting new clients but also I feel focused, energised and everything feels lighter and more fun.
Not many people know this but James was my secret weapon!
I need people to push me as I'm at the top of my game. James provided that push and it gave me a competitive edge.
I was a floundering life coach when I first met James, and pretty disillusioned with entrepreneurship. James has helped me create a business that I now love. He has been instrumental in shaping it into something that continues to create massive benefit for my clients and followers. Thank you James x
James’ help multiplied our sales revenue. His methods were key in transforming our monthly revenues into a DAILY income! James you rock!
James has SO much to answer for!
When I began on-camera I felt awkward and self conscious.
Now I see clients who feel as though they know me before we meet...there's already a bond, it's like real magic.
I know hand on heart that my business, this work and message would not be where it is today had I not worked with James.
Lavers is the man!
I've done numerous trainings with James over the years as his material is always cutting-edge.
Likewise his private coaching has been massively valuable and helped significantly increase sales in my business. It's worth adding, I'm super choosey and wouldn't normally endorse anyone!
James’ insights, clarity and irrepressible enthusiasm completely transformed my business and how I see myself. After just six coaching sessions, I made the money back, tenfold! Working with James has completely transformed my confidence and my business on every possible level. You need to pick your coach carefully. Do yourself a favour and work with James. You won’t regret it.
I first trained online with James early 2019 and was blown away about what kind of actual training can be done online.His clients are a testament to what real behaviour change and skill development is possible online. What I didn't anticipate was stepping into myself and finding my voice more and more. I'm also getting a real kick out of connecting with serving people all around the world. I'm enjoying product sales through my website too! Thank you James!
Within 12 months of implementing James' on-camera coaching I'd landed three of the UK's biggest gym chains as clients, including Fitness First. ALL because of his methods. James is the master at this.
Back in 2008 my business was lying dashed on the rocks by the Global Financial Crisis. Thanks to input from James I not only got back on my feet but also surpassed my previous levels of impact and income by quite some amount. Unquestionably James understandings and expertise have transformed the course of my life in some phenomenally generative ways.
James is a masterful communicator. His programmes will enhance your brand and develop relationships at scale.
If part of your marketing strategy includes work to camera James is the best in the business. He is absolutely at the cutting edge of what he does. Thank you James, you have helped me make a massive difference to my business.
James and I worked closely together on the development and marketing of a number of our personal development products. The guy is a fantastic marketer and a commanding strategist with a seemingly natural ability to know what works!
I’ve near doubled my income but more than that, my sense of vision, purpose and passion for my business is back on fire! I’d been working my ass off, following the formulas but only just getting by. From the minute I started working with James I knew I’d found someone truly special. He has a knack for weeding out the industry bullshit that hinders us from effectively moving people to engage with and actually buy from us! He’s been instrumental in helping me clarify my message, create copy and systems that truly connect and step up to the bigger calling. I honestly can’t recommend working with James highly enough.
I was keen to work with James at a critical point for my business. I had a lot of experience as a trainer working with large companies, but I hadn’t done a lot in terms of online training. I really wasn’t confident and I was getting stuck and making things over complicated. He made it so much easier. He made it easy to understand and engage in his process. It was just so clear, so simple to follow and I really liked that. It easily pays back. The biggest impact on me is that I know that I can provide really decent programs. As a result I’ll be able to build this new business faster than my software business. There isn’t a better course or coach out there for this!
I attended James’s EVOKE training with my own rough idea of what I thought he would be teaching. I was wrong and pretty pleased about it too. The first question you put to a client in a group coaching environment is pure genius! Employing the next part of the model is certainly not for someone new to coaching, but is essential for the client to finally get the transformative result they are seeking & paying you for.
I also experienced the model first-hand, which cleared out some nonsense I really should have gotten rid of years ago. There are a lot of people training people to become coaches these days, so if you want to have something more to offer your clients to stand out from the crowd, EVOKE might be the thing to add to your coaching toolkit.
When I first signed up for coaching with James, I hadn’t anticipated the profound impact he would also have on my life. James’ insight, humour and brutal honesty make working with him simultaneously inspiring, entertaining and thought-provoking. Thanks to James, I’ve managed to shed decades of self-doubt and fear and am finally sharing the messages I truly want to bring to the world. I cannot recommend him highly enough to anyone seeking to seriously up-level any aspect of their lives.
Working with James can be a bit of a roller-coaster ride. If a no-holds-barred approach is what you need then that’s what you get. Since working with James, my business has been completely transformed. My audience and my message are now fine-tuned, and I show up more fully than ever before. He knows when to push you further than you would ever take yourself and how to really get the best out of you and help you be the very best version of you. Most of all you come away feeling on top of the world and ready to take on whatever challenges need to be dealt with in your business. James’ mastery is not just in his never-ending talents and skills as a guru-maker, but he is ace human-being and I'm so very grateful to have him in my corner.
He just doesn’t buy into anything you say, challenges every damn thing, which can be frustrating as hell! But then you leave with realisations and steps and a new reality that you weren’t willing to look at before! He made me realise I would never be satisfied with a scalable group program. It’s a battle I have been fighting for 3 years and it’s cost me £200K in coaching, thinking I’ll find a strategy that’s aligned when it’s not a strategic issue. James helped me realise that we needed to bypass the group programs and leap into train-the-trainer with my special method.
This is the way I solve this issue of scalability while maintaining quality and also being happy and aligned and not feeling guilty.
Thanks James my disruptive, out of the box coach.
Working with James has given me the clarity around my business I needed. He has been the key to unlocking my potential and drawing out what’s possible. James helped me launch my blog and podcast within the first weeks of working with him. He has given me the push to turn my thoughts into actions; his insights have transformed my business and his energy has given me the boost I needed to realize what’s possible.
James, you beautiful bear of a man!
I bought one of your courses in 2013, I sent out a message using your simple framework and it lead to a lot of coaching and some clients I've now worked with for years.
More than the message, it was your relaxed, playful approach that I liked and that felt right to me.
You have been a significant influence on my approach over the years; through your programmes, live events and the one-on-one work we have done together so far.
When I first found James Lavers I’d seen him working secretly behind the scenes with many of the well known “Guru’s”. You could see his magic at play in the way they positioned themselves and worked with their clients.
When it comes to getting your message out and finding what makes your business unique, James can draw that out of you, whether your expressing that with video, the written word or with the way you design your programs - James knows exactly how to put it together in a way that works!
One in a million!
James helped me clarify my core message and now we are building the marketing pieces around this. He is great with both strategy and diving into the detail. James is incredibly generous with both his time and his network.
I’m part of his Mastermind and am loving the learning that comes from hearing leaders in their field share their journey.
Before I met James, I was spending a lot of time in my business but my posts & videos weren't converting to sales. He showed me how to present on video and write copy that easily sells. I now have a flagship product which sold out twice last year and continues to bring in revenue on a weekly basis. I'm creating income levels that I hadn’t reached before with products or events. I have clarity that is leading to more personal freedom and more enjoyment. James makes it fun to work with him along the way, helping you grow your business in a way that works well for you.
James has a truly unique way of shining a light into the dark recesses where you might be hiding as a person. He has truly helped me shape my future vision and lay down firm foundations for massive growth in my business. As my coach, his adult-to-adult conversations and his demand for better questions have changed the future trajectory of my business. Plus he's funny and a top bloke!
Collaboration with James is an opportunity to make the transition from struggling practitioner to successful, wealthy, entrepreneurial therapist.
I work with executives and politicians to communicate their messages powerfully on camera. Whenever I'm faced with a difficult client, there's only one person I go to. James Lavers. If you want to learn how to sell on camera with power and class, there's nobody in the world better than James. Period.
Since working with you I am on fire!
I have never seen a business grow so fast and I am amazed by the results. In less than one month I have built a group of almost 1000 subscribers who all want exactly the products I am offering.
What I'm looking for in the people that mentor and advise me are people who understand what I'm trying to achieve and where I want to go. James gave me down-to-earth, simple, easy-to-use strategies. If you're thinking of coming to him, just do it, it's money well spent and you won't regret it.
Working with James was a life-changing experience. It caused me to look deep inside myself to figure out whether I was taking the right path and break any boundaries and fears that I had. So much content, energy, passion and merriment! I would highly recommend James to anyone serious about making waves in the world!
I've always known I've got what it takes within me - but getting that channeled appropriately and effectively has been tricky, until now. I now know precisely what I'm doing, why I'm doing it, who I'm doing it for and - incredibly - the technical know-how to achieve it! James is a miracle worker! After working with him you're gonna be coming out with pinpoint direction, total motivation and no excuses whatsoever.
James enabled me to identify the big dark thing that was sabotaging my business efforts. James achieved in days what other coaches had failed to do in 30 years.
James really knows his stuff as a highly skilled expert in marketing that gets real results. Work with him, and he'll help identify and develop your salable strengths while teaching you to promote yourself effectively - a powerful combination.
Marketing in the hands of James creates results! Our campaign got a 21% response rate! Calling James is a simple commercial decision, a no-brainer, a VERY wise business investment and one you will never regret.
8 hours in the car, 450 mile round trip, home at 3am. So glad I made the effort...you have saved me thousands!"
In 2 months I have gone from not even knowing whatt I wanted to do, to having hundreds of prospective clients who have downloaded my free report and now want to buy stuff!
You will make fast money. I recouped my initial investment during the program. More money started coming in a week after we finished, and all that from a bbusiness that didn't exist before!
I'm interested in RESULTS! Whilst I pay James for his time - the fee is for his RESULTS! Since working with James my investment in him has resulted in a 500% return! If this is what he can achieve with me in 6 weeks, I can’t wait to see what happens over the next few months!!
Working with James is like white water rafting. It might frighten the hell out of you but it'll result in the triumph of overcoming the rapids and you ending more alive and marketing-able than when you began. He rocks - literally. He's rocked me totally out of my frustrating comfort zone into a professional adventure where I'm 'bloody doing it' in a bigger league with shedloads more to come.
The first time I met James, he was producing an infomercial I was in. I instantly knew that this was someone I wanted to work with again. I owe a great deal of my marketing success to him and I've done very well in this field. Don't try and re-create the wheel - just follow his advice and guidance and you will too, it's as simple as that.
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